Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Datu Wira Poh Ah Tiam - Favourite son of Machap Baru

Datu Wira Poh Ah Tiam, the MP for Machap Baru passed away recently due to illness. I did not have the previlege to meet him but have heard so much about him and his work from my brother, a retired teacher who works as newspaper corresponder.

I visited my brother, ST occasionally at his house in Alor Gajah and each time, he would treat us to a sumptuous dinner at Machap Baru where the food and wild life dishes are always fresh, exotic and CHEAP!

I have always marvelled at the friendliness and peacefulness of the new village, and the villagers' solidarity for the betterment of their village. This is especially evident during the festive season such as the Lunar New Year when the whole village was adorned with colourful lights and lantern, bunting etc wishing each other prosperity and good fortune and good health.

May he rests in peace.

1 comment:

Fui said...

I've heard of the food in Macap too! My tuition teacher bragged so much about the monitor lizard curry. Although I stayed quite near to that area, I've never really taken the time to travel to Macap but instead headed into Melaka itself to eat the nyonya meal.
Ought to try out the food at Macap next time :)